By Lou Ponsi The San Juan Hills boys basketball team made history this season, and senior Mark Reichner played a
By Lou Ponsi Tesoro High School’s beach volleyball players have a new at-home advantage — sand volleyball courts at the
By CUSD Insider staff An Aliso Viejo doctor who tragically died while trying to save the lives of others during
By Lou Ponsi Sailor Denton was 6 years old when her grandfather took her to the BMX track to watch
By Greg Mellen Two boys basketball programs in the Capistrano Unified School District went where they had never gone before.
By Lou Ponsi Most weekday afternoons and evenings, dozens of local boys and girls play small-sided soccer on a concrete
Tesoro High School celebrated the 75th anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s debut in Major League Baseball with the entire baseball team
By Fernando M. Donado It’s a rainy Monday afternoon in the multipurpose room in the Upper Campus of San Clemente
By Fernando M. Donado After overcoming a year of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic that limited practice and preparation
By Lou Ponsi Neila Fritts has participated in sports since early childhood. The Capistrano Valley High School senior played soccer