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Capistrano Unified honors school lunch heroesNews & Features

Capistrano Unified honors school lunch heroes

By Elysse James This week, CUSD is honoring the school lunch employees whose heroic actions keep students fed even when school isn’t being held on campus. Capistrano Unified’s Food and…
Capistrano Unified counseling programs receive national recognitionNews & Features

Capistrano Unified counseling programs receive national recognition

By Elysse James It’s a long and difficult road, but the results are worth the effort. At two CUSD schools, the school climate has become measurably more positive, and the…
Palisades Elementary unveils new state-of-the-art Innovation LabNews & Features

Palisades Elementary unveils new state-of-the-art Innovation Lab

By Elysse James Students at Palisades Elementary have an exciting new space on campus to return to once schools reopen. There, students in kindergarten through fifth grade will play to…
It’s time to celebrate Capistrano Unified’s school lunch heroesCapo Community

It’s time to celebrate Capistrano Unified’s school lunch heroes

By Elysse James Capistrano Unified’s Food and Nutrition Services employees are certainly heroic every year, but their efforts this year to keep all kids fed despite schools being closed deserve…
‘Now Hear This,’ is a shout out about hearing lossCapo Community

‘Now Hear This,’ is a shout out about hearing loss

By Greg Mellen When Valli Gideons shared an epiphany with her then 10-year-old daughter, she got the fourth-grade version of an eye roll. “I kind of thought it was dumb,”…
Capistrano Unified has served 118,815 meals and climbingNews & Features

Capistrano Unified has served 118,815 meals and climbing

By Elysse James After five weeks of preparing and distributing meals to-go from Capistrano Unified campuses, the school’s Food and Nutrition Services has served a total 118,815 meals to local…

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