For the Class of 2020 at Dana Hills High School, graduation was far from what they envisioned at the start of their senior year.
However, the seniors took it in stride, and enjoyed a memorable — and safely distanced — celebration at the school’s campus on July 24.
“As the principal at Dana Hills High School I am so proud of our 2020 seniors and all of their incredible accomplishments over the last four years,” said Principal Brad Baker. “The Class of 2020 will never be forgotten, as no other class in history has had to endure what they did over the past months. Their perseverance and grit are beyond compare.”
“Although the 2020 graduation was not traditional, I believe it truly captured what makes a traditional ceremony so special, it’s the fact that teachers, staff and families are all celebrating our students’ hard work, accomplishments, and most importantly the relationships that were built,” said Principal Brad Baker. “I was honored and humbled to be a small part of such a huge moment for so many! It was a special day, a day none of us will ever forget! Congratulations DHHS class of 2020!”
Students and their families drove up one by one to park in front of the stage and watch their graduate walk up to receive their diploma.
The graduates are listed in alphabetical order following the photo essay.

The Dana Hills High School graduates are, in alphabetical order:
Jacqueline Zulema Abarca
Antonia Keona Abrams
Glenn Michael Christian Adcock
Liam Christian Adcock
Jordyn Kailani Afuso
Alexandra Isabel Aguirre
Sayed Masih Ahmadzadeh
Raquel Nohemi Alcala
Austin Ali Aldujaili
Katie Grace Alexander
Jordan Henry Allain
Avery Jane Allemann
Sean Jeffrey Allen
Samantha Paola Alonso
Alexis Nicole Alston
Oyinkansola Victoria Amao
Ethan Cole Ambrose
Jared Scott Ammann
Aidan Michael Anderson
Thomas George Andraos
Diana Elsie-Rose Aprea
Guadalupe Aranda
Kathryn Rose Atchity
Ryan Matthew Avillanoza
Dayne Josef Baier
Jordan Faith Bailey
Brandon Bainum
Emma Ann Baker
David Balderas
Teal Rayne Baltgalvis
Michael Kevin Barajas
Victoria Rose Barnett
Fatima Beatriz Barrios
Leonardo Enrique Basave
Blue Brendan Bashoor
Tyler Dalton Bashor
Emeric Antonio Battaglia
Athena Rachael Beck
Amelia Rose Bellah
Molly Frances Bergman
Lucas Earl Berkbigler
Matthew Daniel Bermingham
Jack Henry Nicholas Bishop
Omar Mahmoud Bishtawi
Jake Ryan Black
Alexis Janae Block
Nicholas James Blout
Christian Michael Boeckler
Liam Daniel Boersma
Kaitlyn Nicole Bogdanovich
Lauren Christine Bogdanovich
Michael Steven Bogdanovich
Ryan James Bogdanovich
Brock Thomas Bolter
Leah Briget Boskovich
Cade Russell Bower
Davion Tyiquon Martin Boyce
Samantha Liu Brandom
Madynn Marie Bray
Madelyne Renee Breckenridge
Eliza Lynn Brian
Lauren Ann Britton
Alexander Ramon Brockmeier
Tanner Douglas Brown
Luke Britton Brumett
Thomas Joseph Buckanavage
Jaden Steven Bunch
Kathryn Elizabeth Bunge
Serena Marie Burrola
Jaelynn Marie Burton
Job Bayudang Busacay
Dana Michael Bush
Madison Rylee Ann Caldwell
Yuliana Monserrat Campos Lopez
Nathan Wesley Caplinger
Melissa Carapia
Kimberly Carmona
Kadin Carpenter
Jessica Mae Carter
Julio Bernabe Casas
Cole Aidan Casazza
Aidan Antony Castano
Conner Jeffcoat Castano
Dianne Rochelle Katie Castellon
Ethan Jovan Castro
Kellen Michael Ceriani
Martin Ivanov Chanev
James Thomas Chotkevys
Austin Matthew Chung
Sofia Ivy Ciraulo
Colton John Weston Clark
Emma Catherine Clark
Mason Christian Clark
Jake Joseph Clayton
Lauren Elizabeth Clibon
Harrison Rex Clifton
Ethan Christopher Clunie
Aidan McKenna Collins
Alyssa Renee Connors
Timothy Patrick Conry
Jesus Guillermo Contreras
Jefreyn Daniel Contreras Aguirre
Kaitlyn Danielle Cooper
Robert Michael Copeland
Isabelle Claire Corey
Caroline Grace Craven
Natalie Alana Creech
Aspen Gwynette Fabian Cristobal
Anna Elise Crumley
Daniel Christopher Cullen
Braden Adinolfi Cummings
Gabriella Cacciato Dalgaard
Raleigh Christopher Damore
Jade Marie Davenport
Cory James Davidson
Anna Lynn Davis
Joshua Davis
Andrew Papa De La Fuente
Karina De La Rosa
Abby Michelle Dean
Amanda Rachel DeGeorge
Nicholas Michael DeGraw
Alexa Delgado
Gianna Sophia DeLorenzo
Carrick Addison Denker
Chloe Cathryn DePierro
Ethan Thomas Detels
John James Devenny
Jorge Alejandro Gonzaga Diaz
Agatha Gay Divinagracia
Layla Jai Donahoe
Sean Patrick Dougherty
Chloe Lauren Duffield
Brendan James Dunne
Isabelle Michele duPont-Moore
Logan Nicholas Earley-Zappas
Niloofar Ebrahimi
Justin Joseph Edward
Eden Oceana Eidsvold
Ian Spencer Elario
Youssef Osama Elshenawi
Angelica Marie Ercoli
Megan Nicole Espinoza
Samantha Espinoza Cigarroa
Ivonne Espinoza Sanchez
Daniel Inocencio Estrada
Miles MacRae Ettinger
Victoria Marie Euyoque
Ashley Nicole Evans
D’Mitri David Michel Evans Meyer
Ethan Randolph Ezor
Luis Fernando Fabian
Alexis Fallahi
John Michael Fallon
Tari David Farman
Dane Thomas Faukner
Caitlyn Marie Ferguson
James Theodore Fermelia
Sofia Ferrari
Veronica Paola Fiori
Averi Hanna Flaman
Jackson Casey Fleming
Jacqueline Flores
Chase Colleen Flynn
Anna Isabel Fodor
Savanah Paige Foote
Cole Buddy Foudy
Thomas Charles Fournier
Colton Michael Fox
Hayden Christopher Fox
Holiday Hartwig Fraley
Michael Daniel Friend
Makayla Marie Fry
Aimee Benita Fuller
Valerie Sophie Gach
Marisa Claire Gaitan
Itzel Galindo
Axel Francisco Gallegos
Lia Margherite Gallina
Fabiola Garcia
Justin Garcia Cobo
Omar Garcia Lopez
Trevor Joseph Gartlan
Isabelle Marie Gendreau
Reagan Karen Cruickshank Gerry
Peyton Diane Geske
Ehlana Ruth Ghassemi
Omid Gholizadeh
Ryan Thomas Gibson
Liam Jak Gillon
Alexis Elizabeth Giltner
Jacob Ryan Glaab
Olivea Marie Glenn
Marlena Lynn Gnasso
Adrian Andres Gomez
Daisy Gonzalez
Joshua Nicholas Gonzalez
Logen Christopher Gonzalez
Matthew Alec Gordon
Peyton Reid Goss
Taylor Reese Graham
Jean Pierre Granados
Aaron Josef Grandbouche
Charles Benjamin Gravitt
Kira Isis Green
Jake Evan Greenbaum
Mason Ellena Elizabeth Grey
Adam Paul Gromotsky
Paris Danielle Grossman
Andrew James Guthary
Peri Anne Halajian
Jonathan Harriman Hale
Matilda Belle Hall
Christopher Ryan Hamilton
Milena Hamilton Cocozza
Christopher Thomas Hampson
Jason Trent Hankin
Jayna Erin Hankin
Joshua Anthony Harkey
Ciella Star Harrison
Lauren Reed Harvey
Kimia Hashemi
Alexa Raven Hassel
Jackson Mark Hatting
Kendall Momoka Hayes
Maura Patricia Hayes
Cole James Henderson
Bryan Jesus Hernandez
Diego Jesus Hernandez
Leo Hernandez
Ryan Hernandez
Sabrina Luisa Da Silva Hernandez
Susan Hernandez
Jacob Alexander Herritt
Bryce Christopher Higgins
Amelia Svetlana Hilburn
Aaron William Hockmeyer
Alyssa Belle Hollister
Grayson Jeffrey Holtby
Lola Christine Holtby
Lauren Rena Hope
Margo Grace Hopper
Ava Olivia Horodezky
Regina Sofia Horta Delgado
Maliyah Nicole Horton Broussard
Tyler Alan Hubbard
Kira Maelee Hudson
Joyce Kristen Sangalang Hurtado
Trevor Marquez Hyde
Julia Marie Iacono
Yaser Idris
Sebastian Ieng
Ashton Manning Ison
Caden Matthew Jackson
Dante JaVonni Jackson
John Joseph Jacobs
Kathleen Leana Jaime
Nicole Claire Jamet
Ryan Harvey Janampa
Julia Madison Jaques
Kaden Tai Jara
Izabela Katarina Jelic
Alexandra Cristina Jelladian
Colin Andrew Jenkins
Leonor Jimenez Marcos
Lydia Stella Rose Johns
Brandon Lee Jones
Brigitte Lucille Kaniut
Alexa Keiko Karner
Kelly Marie Kartchner
Abigail Ruth Keating
Kianna Leann Keeling
Bradley Charles Kelly
Alison Mare Kenney
Jack Thomas Kenney
Nouar Manhal Khammash
Remington Matthew Kislig
Leo Christian Kojima
Nicholas Newton Kraushaar
Harriet Kathryn Kubalsky
Alexander Daniel Kupfer-Weinstein
Rachel Renee Kupfer-Weinstein
Gabriel Joseph LaBelle
Whitney Reese Ladner
Audrey Gail Lambros
Finn Jeffrey Landgraf
James Lara
Kayla Lara
Isabella Torri Larkin
Noah Alexander Larson
Addison James Lawrence
Mia Ann Lawrence
Lily Rose Lawsin
Gavin Robert Lee
Carsen James Lenthall
Ryan Gabriel Lewis
Luke Patrik Lightner
Amy Liu
Yuan Liu
Francis Dino Liuzzi
Hannah Rose Loftis
Oscar Jonathan Lomeli
Alexander Lopez Maldonado
Natalie Rocio Lopez Portillo
Selah Hope Lowe
Michael Collins Lowther
Collin Tyler Lucich
Sophia Makana Lund
Rachel Sasikarn Lunney
Kevin Patrick Lynch
Allen Jordan Marte Maboloc
Jennifer Ann Maitino
Luke William Malecka
Erik Perry Malpass
Taylor Vail Malpass
Kyle Patrick Mann
Ariana Renee Mannani
William Marin Antonio
Adam Marquina
Camryn Jillian Marshall
Samuel Cole Martin
Izabella Celeste Martinez
Nathan James Martin-Orr
Aiden David Mathes
Kendall Sophia May
Curren James McCarthy
Scott Ian McCloskey
Trent Campbell McClung
Alex Brandon McCullough
Aidan George Andrews McGrath
Maile Nicole McKeown
Mason Scott Mckhann
Dakota Sioux McMahon
Eian Patrick McMillen
Evan Thomas McMillen
Marck Jesus Medina
Tyler James Melton
Cynthia Renee Mendez
Marco Antonio Mendoza
John Wah-Hing Mezzasalma
Angela Yve Michenaud
Darius Wesley Miertschin
Paya Milani
Dylan Nathaniel Miller
Landen Noah Miller
Mackenzie Rae Miller
Jordan Arline Millington
Dylan Charles Mills
Bryan John Mioc
Eliseo Miramontes
Jenna Marina Miramontes
Sofia Lee Montgomery
Matthew Patrick Mooney
Cole Jerome Morales
Jessica Marie Morales
Ingrid Moreno
Chase Evan Morrison
Mason Julian Morrow
Claudia Sofia Mortera Flores
Moises Moscaira
Christopher Wang Na
Claire Lurae Nelson
Anna Rebecca Nemeth
Harrison Michael Grant Neuharth
Caroline Grace Neuhausel
Angel Orion Neuhoff
Maxim Ivan Nossovitch
Soleil Rael NuChurch
Alejandro Ocampo Gutierrez
Michael Joseph O’Connor
Julian Raden Ogle
Ryan Henry Ognall
Owen Nicholas Ohlson
Olivia Jean O’Malley
John Daniel O’Melveny
Kevin Ontiveros
Luis Jesus Orozco
Jan-Ivar Orsland Burns
Sequoia Grace Ortiz
Joanlee Jeanette Ortiz Escudero
Malia Mari Osako
Carlos Daniel Osorio
Jaqueline Pacheco Jaime
Makayla Lee Paggio
Jason Pantoja
Audrey Anise Parker
Allison Marie Parks
Jack Mitchell Parriott
Justin Michael Parrott
Ari Wka Parsons
Tristen Michael Partain
Daegan John Patterson
Thomas John Patterson
Natalie Adriana Pearl
Sage Alexander Pena
Vanessa Perez
John Michael Perone
Hope Diane Perry
Cameron Petersen
Elise Rosemary Peterson
Aidan Patrick Pierce
Charlie Samuel Pine
Chloe Olivia Plantamura
Kyle Scott Plowden
Kristen Nicole Plummer
Taylor Ann Poland
Lucas Joseph Pool
Matthew Paul Pool
Nicole Hunter Price
William Robert Puff
Cailin Yu-Jin Pullan
Sydney Ann Querner
Alexis Eduardo Quezada
Kylie Marie Quinley
Daniela Quiroga
Kai Kilian Rajkumar
Ethan Joseph Ramirez
Pierce Braden Reed
Nicolette Dylan Reese
Benjamin Aidan Rolf Reichardt
Nicole Alyssa Reider
Griselda Morelos Reina
Brooke Amanda Reinhard
Grace Elizabeth Reskey
Grant Evan Reskey
Lukas Wolfgang Revolinski
Ivan Martin Reyna-Linares
Emma Hunter Reynolds
Aidan Maria Rice
Kobe Tyler Rick
Hunter Loren Riedl
Nicholas David Rigo
Noah James Rigo
Anisa Phoenix Rind
Kaycie McKenna Rippe
Malia Sanders Rivera
William Barthelemy Riviere
Thomas Everett Roark
Chloe Ryan Roberts
James Lawrence Roberts
Mary Frances Robinson
Eve Presley Roche
Damien Jacob Rodriguez
Danna Nicole Rodriguez
Luis Angel Rodriguez
Diego Antonio Rojas
Raul Rojas
Osvaldo Ildefonso Rojas Rios
Brisa Lizbeth Romero
Nicholas Chase Ronca
Riley Matthew Forrest Rudolph
Aldo Yair Ruiz
Jacob Gabriel Ruiz
Kendra Marie Russell
Zackary Joseph Saavedra
Spencer Alan Sabahat
Nicholas Nikan Saeedi
Maicie Rosella Leigh Saia
Brianna Rose Salazar
Trevor Jansson Saline
Shannon Vania Salomon
Christopher Frederick Samia
Yasmin Sanchez Morales
Kendall Lynn Santos
Alexander Christopher Santulis
Matthew Trey Sargent
Scott Lynn Sarozek
Kindra Leanne Schade
Preston Theodore Schlereth
Makenna Rose Schooler
Alexia Danielle Scodeller
Megan Victoria Seals
Elise Serrano
Ivan Serrano
Melissa Serrano
Isabella Renee Sewall
Samantha Lee Sherman
William Wallace Short
Samuel Robert Shultz
Aaron Christian Sierra
Deena Maryam Siyami
Christina Louise Sleek
Malia Marjorie Noelani Smith
Jack William Snibbe
Isaac Solis Sotelo
Randy Ruben Soria
Shane Samuel Spoelder
Logan Drake St Germain
Jason Andrew Stange
Carson Edward Steenblock
Luke Michael Sterner
Morgan Marjorie Sterner
Shane Walker Stich
Jacqueline Opal Stilwell
Mitchell Samuel Stock
Natalie Elisabeth Streed
Diego Victor Suarez
Tristin Linh Szenczi
Bailey Maxine Tago
Ericka Lucia Tamayo
Kaan Taner
Nikolas Ragan Tanski
Audrey Kathleen Taylor
Connor Patrick Thomas
Dresden Thomas
Christian Cooper Thornsley
Zachary Owen Thurman
Charlotte Grace Tonks
Vani Laura Topalian
Christopher Isaiah Torres
Cristian Torres
Emmanuel Torres
Diana Torres-Reyes
Jaden Lee Troutman
Giovanna Ulloa
Maxwell Cole Upp
Luke Adam Valdez
Claire Mahvash Valian
Tanner Benjamin Vallejo
Tristan Kurt Hans Vanderlinde
Sebastian Vargas
Matthew Francisco Vasquez
Sarah Marie Vasquez
Emmanuel Velazquez
Rexy Surya Vicardo
Jesse Villagran
Tessa Rose Villalpando
Clayton Anthony Vincent
Kaycee Payge Vise
Jordan Quinn Vuong
Kyle David Wade
Benjamin Lawrence Wagner
Curren Gabriel Wahl
Lauren Vivien Wahlstrom
Francis William Walker
Gavin Ronald Walker
Erin Claire Wall
Logan William Wall
Joshua Ryan Wallin
Dylan Mathew Walsh
Chase Ryan Walter
George Paul Walters
Gavin Bradley Ward
Madison Marie Ward
Colette Margaret Waszak
Lilly Mackenzie Weber
Kaeli Ann Wedel
Tyler Dylan Welk
Jenessa Kathleen Wenskunas
Maya Ann Weraksa
Megan Wesselman
Jack Gian West
Megan Alexandra Wetherald
Olivia Marie Wettengel
Felicia Rose White
Trey Allen White
Gavin Thomas Whitehead
Ava Lani Whitten
Harrison Luke Wiese
Evan Joseph Wiesen
Isabella Valentine Williams
Ryan Flay Willoughby
Dana Frances Wilske
Jonathan Terrell Winbush
Zachary Louis Wirth
Madison Mae Wood
Leighora McKenzie Woodley
Malia Rose Yandell
Christa Michele Yater
Loia Rose Yost
Cameron Genevieve Young
Adler Anthony Zachary
Ulises Cabrera Zamudio
Paige Lily Zimmerman
Gunar Trent Zoretic