With joy on their faces, Tesoro High seniors took to the stage to become graduates of the Class of 2021 during a ceremony on Thursday, June 3.
The celebration marked the end of an unusual year for the graduates, who achieved so much despite the challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here to jump to the names of every Tesoro High graduate
Commencement ceremonies were held at several times of day in order for friends and family to join at a safe distance and honor their graduates.
“As we continued to move forward through these dark, and for lack of a better word—unprecedented—times, we began to rewrite this golden senior year,” said Yasmine Abuelhija, the Titan of the Year. “We soon found joy in the littlest of things, and through this loss of experiences came an all new sense of appreciation. As we went from months in our bedroom, to coming back 2 days a week, to now 4 days a week—it was the will of our students and the determination of our staff that has led us here today.”
“Tesoro has given me more than I could ever ask for; caring teachers, lasting friendships, and diverse experiences that have helped me grow in numerous ways,” said graduate Kayva Fish. “Tesoro is a place where teachers inspire us to chase our dreams, define ourselves as we choose, and set us up for success as we take on our next journey. Being a Titan has prepared me to take on the world in my own way.”
Congratulations, Tesoro High Class of 2021!
See below for photos from the commencement ceremony. Scroll past the photos for a list of graduates from the senior class of 2021 (please note that graduates not on this list opted to not have their information released to the media).

This year’s Tesoro High graduates, in alphabetical order, are:
*Please note that graduates not on this list opted to not have their information released to the media.*
Abbott Rachel
Abdi Sepanta
Abrian Donovan
Abuelhija Ameer
Abuelhija Yasmine
Adams Christopher
Adams Tyler
Aguirre Cailey
Ahn Madeline
Alam Alexander
Alarcon Jordan
Aldredge Jordan
Aleman Brady
Alexander Brenna
Allen Christopher
Altmann Ava
Amposta Enrique
Anderson Christine
Andrews LeMar
Anguiano Monet
Aqui Nolan
Arlotti John
Ashbrook Max
Ashley Audrey
Atta Ansaar
Attwell Wedepohl Diego
Ballantyne Riley
Barrera Grace
Barrett Giselle
Bartholomew Kira
Basford Evan
Baum Jason
Bautista Leanne
Belk Ryan
Berg Chloe
Bermudez Joshua
Bhatt Kirtan
Bierman Allison
Bird Emily
Blake Cherell
Blake Kiana
Blunt Kate
Boukai Aya
Bourne Christopher
Bradley Charlotte
Brandt Clayton
Bredendick Ryne
Breiter Grahm
Brennan Connor
Bridge Sierra
Broderick Gavin
Brooks Danielle
Broughton Logan
Brown Aubrey
Brown Brandon
Brown Troyius
Brozey Madeleine
Brumley Katherine
Brunton Samantha
Buenrostro Kevin
Bui Khang
Burchit Paige
Butler Katherine
Byers Brianna
Calagday Sean
Caldera Carson
Caliendo Alice
Cao Stephanie
Caputo Lyndsey
Casteel Payton
Castro Paige
Cencak Daniel
Chang Joshua
Chavez Michael
Chen Conner
Chen Vickie
Cheng Julian
Child Laura
Chiu Jason
Chiudioni Quinn
Christensen Haley
Cisneros Kamden
Clapper Troy
Clark Amanda
Clark Jamie-Lynne
Clements Jordan
Cloutier Keegan
Coates Ashlee
Cohen Bryan
Connelly Ryan
Crites Brady
Crow Eric
Cutcher Cole
Cuttrell Jack
Damato Tyler
Daniel Alyssa
Dao Sarah
Dapper Elizabeth
Darr Mason
Davis Donovan
De La Parra Sophia
Dekker Jon
Del Bosque Varela Jesus
DeLeon Emily
Delfs Mariah
Delgado Kirra
Deloya Dante
Dembiec Chloe
DeMond Allison
Desai Diya
Dever Grace
Dick Daisy
Dieck Paige
Diel Jack
Dietrich Jacob
Doody Liam
Douglass Paige
Doyle Gerald
Duerr Madison
Duncan Cameron
Duncan Samantha
Early Ryan
Elkins Elodie
Elsasser Grace
Engar Jenna
Eskandari Camden
Esparza Taylor
Eubanks Dylan
Eubanks Nolan
Fairchild Ella
Farris Aidan
Fitzpatrick Dean
Flores Hector
Fowler Jacob
Frankos Andrew
Frederick Sonoma
Fredette Lisa
Gaon Jack
Garcia Andre
Garcia Matthew
Garrido Ginger
Gass Conlan
Gerges Catarina
Glickman Hannah
Glover Ava
Gonugunta Sreya
Gonzales Mason
Gordon Alana
Gordon Grant
Goulart Nicholas
Gow John
Grace Chloe
Graham Nicholas
Green Jessica
Grigaux Julien
Grim Randall
Grom Dakota
Guerrero Julia
Guerrero Maxwell
Guidotti Mason
Gutierrez Daniel
Haas Samantha
Haddock Jocelyn
Halvorsen Norris Johan
Hamre Alexandria
Hankins Teagan
Hanley Claire
Hanna Mario
Hanson Brady
Harshman Dominic
Harvey Lia
Hasty Ryan
Hatchel Cory
Hauptmeier Aidan
Hayden Brenna
Henderson Paige
Hernandez Michelle
Heys Ryan
Higgs Riley
Hogue Olivia
Holm Trevor
Homan Colin
Hopkins Sarah
Hoskins Sidney
Hosn Sara
Howard Jackson
Hyland Dylan
Idleman Dylan
Igarashi Savannah
Ijams Alexander
Ilfeld Emily
Jackson Alexis
Jin Carol
Johnson Connor
Johnson Dylan
Jorgensen Sean
Karki Shreeyaghaya
Karnik Nikhil
Kartzinel Abigail
Kashyap Aryan
Katler Brady
Katler Brynn
Kato Natsuko
Kaur Amrita
Kaznowski Kornel
Keene Hunter
Kelly Emma
Kerrigan Liam
Kikumoto Kyle
Kim Isabel
Kim Reubin
King Gavin
Kirkpatrick Jack
Koehler Katie
Kotowitz Chase
Kotschedoff Ryan
Krishna Kayla
Krochmalny Alexa
Krolczyk Leo
Krones Kaeli
Kruper Lauren
Krusmark Eva
Kulkarni-Fish Kayva
Lambert Sophia
Lane Kathryn
Larkins Justin
Laskey Emma
Laskey Lily
Lawrence Christian
Lawson Madison
Lazatin Holly
Leduc Mia
Lee Christopher
Lee Emma
Lee Nathan
Legaspi Nadine
Levesque Logan
Levine Steven
Lewandowski Megan
Lewis Destinee
Lewis Taylor
Liao Brandon
Liao Christian
Libman Brooke
Lieu Jaron
Linsley Jacob
Little Ethan
Lohse Teagan
Lopez Brandon
Lopez Mykal
Losey Ileeya
Lowe Ethan
Luna Jessica
Lutz McKaylah
Lyons Cole
Manning Dylan
Manning Emma
Marana Elizabeth Kate
Marquez Mirella
Marshall Eden
Martha Alyssa
Martin Sydney
Martinez Izabel
Marx Kira
Mathes Solana
Matton Lucie
McBride Sean
McCaffery Michael
McCarty Christopher
McCullough Edward
Mccusker Caelum
McDermott Emma
McGahan Eleanor
McGettigan Emily
McGill Marc
McGinnis James Jordan
McGrail Trevor
McIntosh Grace
Melo Mason
Meltzer Ryan
Mena Jocelyn
Mercado Chloe
Merchant Wyatt
Messman Cameron
Migliaccio Gavin
Miletich Nicole
Miller Katherine
Millerick Hayden
Mills Emily
Minter Dylan
Mita-Luna Sidney
Miyahara Samuel
Modiri Kimiya
Mohammadi Saum
Montgomery Colleen
Moore Emily
Moore Makoa
Mora Joshua
Moreno Simon
Morgan Fiona
Morris Amanda
Mrdak Nikola
Mudrock Corey
Murtland Sydney
Naigan Jerwin
Nayor Madison
Neamand Avery
Nelson Chloe
Nelson Molly
Nero Cassandra
Nevala Tyler
Nguyen Kaitlyn
Nguyen Luke
Nguyen Tia
Nickell Tage
Nieto Dylan
Nieto Hailey
Nolan Nicholas
Novales Ian Nicholas
Nowicke Sara
Oden Madison
Ogden Kara
Olmsted Macy
Olson Jack
Orbaker Tyler
O’Reilly Andrew
Oreski Ava
O’Rourke Hannah
Osburn Kaylan
Pacheco Aidan
Panick Chloe
Paolella Ryan
Parker Zoe
Patel Amman
Payne Raquel
Pearson Diego
Peek Wyatt
Pendleton Hannah
Perez Sofia
Perkins Samara
Perry Sydney
Petty Allison
Phetbenjakul Atisha
Pierce Ethan
Pierce Mason
Pili Giulia
Piller Janessa
Pinto Ava
Podwell Dylan
Pope Morgan
Porter Madison
Powers Madison
Powers Parker
Prabhu Bryson
Props Brianna
Purcell Brooklyn
Putman Troy
Ranck Ainsley
Randklev Candice
Reick Mason
Rempe Logan
Reyes Alexander
Richardson Charles
Riddle Sydney
Rieger Tyler
Rimer Donovan
Rinderer Joshua
Ritchie Dillon
Riter Jacob
Rizkallah Julia
Rizvi Hassan
Roberts Daniel
Robertson Justin
Rocha Camargo Joana
Rodriguez Brookelynn
Roldan Adam
Roman Melia
Romiti Hunter
Rowe Jack
Rozema Braden
Rubin Naya
Ruth Ethan
Sako Payton
Salas Jared Angelo
Sanchez Edwin
Sanchez Ricardo
Sandoval Eli
Sansano Chervin Kyle
Satalino Anthony
Scott Sean
Sedgwick Jack
Senthilraj Shukthi
Serrano Alice
Shaughnessey Stevie
Sheng Isabel
Sieber Chloe
Siebert Joseph
Sieve Lauren
Sieve Olivia
Singer Allison
Sissins Clara
Smaker Chase
Smith Bryson
Soto Sofia
Sparacio Tobias
Stack Dillon
Staff Andrew
Stanley Jeffrey
Steinhardt Bradi
Steinhardt Karli
Stevens Jack
Stevens Joshua
Steward Jacob
Stoddard Miya
Stout Megan
Strembert Leonardo
Stringfellow Devyn
Stucki Kylie
Sydanmaa Tyler
Szyperski Mallory
Szyperski Rachel
Tan Samantha
Tanner Sydney
Taylor Olivia
Templin Toria
Thompson Malia
Tolbert Gavin
Toole Matthew
Torabzadeh Kiana
Torres Daniel
Torres Rhianna
Tran Alexandra
Tran Brianna
Tran Christine
Tsapu Sofiia
Tseng Enoch
Turchi Mia
Vadas Maximus
Valladares Andre
Vallone Kyle
Van Pelt Paige
VanHerpen Jordan
Vasquez Vargas Abel
Veksler Benjamin
Villanueva Janelle
Villanueva Leyton
Villegas Olivia
Vu Megan
Walker Aubrey
Walls Devin
Walti Kendall
Wang Boyi
Warren Sean
Wayt Brooke
Wegner Caden
Welkowsky Delaney
Wesley Gregory
Westra Mikayla
White Jack
White Robert
Whitlinger Alexander
Wieser Jordan
Wilkinson Alana
Wilkinson Madeline
Williams Allison
Williams Joseph
Williams Kylinn
Wilson Emily
Wilson Gabrielle
Wilt Caitlyn
Wong Alexandria
Woods Bailey
Woodward Nolan
Wortmann Reagan
Wu Gretchen
Yassa Lily
Yoshida Cole
Yusay Lauren
Zapotny Olivia
Zaragoza Tiffany
Zhang Michael
Zhou Katie
Zhou Pengkun
Zippe Dylan