Castille Elementary was excited to welcome students for the first day of the 2021-2022 school year with a special station
By Greg Mellen In the 2019-2020 school year, in just its second year of existence, the San Juan Hills High
CUSD Insider was honored during this year’s Orange County Press Club contest with four awards, announced during a live virtual
By Cathi Douglas For more than 23 years, Petra Davis-Johnson has helped students build spirit, love, and support for Las
By CUSD Insider Staff A new addition at Dana Hills High School, even during its brief tenure, has thirsty students
By Lou Ponsi Resiliency, creativity, flexibility and patience. These are a few of the character traits needed by Capistrano Unified
By Lou Ponsi Kyle Vallone, 17, has never been one to gain knowledge just for the sake of gaining knowledge.
By CUSD Insider Staff Capistrano Unified campuses and advisers were recently recognized by the Orange County Department of Education for
By Elysse James San Clemente High School’s graduates turned their tassels and tossed their hats on Thursday to celebrate the
Dana Hills High School graduates celebrated their commencement ceremonies on Thursday, June 3. Graduating seniors wearing the school’s signature blue