An electric Friday Flag ceremony at Castille elementary school was made even more exciting on Jan. 17 with a special recognition that few elementary schools in California have eared. Castille was honored as a Model PLC School by Solution Tree, joining Clarence Lobo as the first CUSD elementary schools and only the 27th in the state to achieve that level of distinction.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC) PLCs are schools and districts in which educators recognize that the key to improved student success is a commitment by teachers to ongoing, job-embedded learning. To qualify as a Model PLC, a school must:
- Demonstrate a commitment to PLC at Work® concepts
- Implement those concepts for at least three years
- Present clear evidence of improved student learning
- Provide data on a yearly basis that shows they continue to meet the criteria of the PLC at Work process
At the ceremony, Jessicca Rodgers, the Solution Tree Executive Director, California State Office, acknowledged Castille for the Model PLC honor, and presented the school with a framed certificate and flag to display. CUSD Trustee Judy Bullockus and assistant superintendent Dr. Dave Stewart were on hand to congratulate the Coyotes.